Friday, April 9, 2010


Pans Labyrinth was very hard for me to watch. I watched the movie at home and often found myself muting the movie because the music was so effective in the movie I was only able to watch the movie on mute. For example when the captain was torturing the stuttering man the music was slow and almost sickening. Also towards the end of the movie when the captain is chasing Ophelia the music makes the scene so much more intense. For me the lighting was also very effective one thing that really stood out to me was how luminescent the blood on Ophelia’s hand is at the end of the movie. The colors that are shown in different parts of the movie are also very interesting the end of the movie is dark because of all the terrible things. Edwards stated, "Labyrinth; thus it appears as a force of nature that is both creative and destructive." I believe the view of this realm would have not been able to be created with out the use of the music and lighting I mentioned above you could see the different views of the realm as the music or lighting would change. The luminious lighting that was used really changed the effect on some of the scenes for me. The picture below shows the use of the lighting very well I think.
Smith stated,

"Del Toro’s camera swoops up over the tragic tableau (shot like much of the film in unnervingly thick shadow) but dissolves to a shot of the dead tree, now with a magical flower blossoming on its sterile bough. The eternal stick insect buzzes by.While the suggestion of innocent sacrifice and redemption is disturbing, the image remains a worthy symbol of del Toro’s achievement."

To me this quote really summed up the way the lighting affected the movie. The dark shadow mentioned was really a major part of the movie because he only time the shadow wasn't there was when Ophelia seemed truly happy and during the movie this didn't occur often. Ophelia seemed very dark and unhappy in this new place with the captain. The lighting used in the movie i think really reflected Ophelia's charecter in the movie.

Edwards, Kim. "Alice's Little Sister: Exploring Pan's Labyrinth." Web log post. Metro Magazine. Film as Text, 2008. Web. Mar.-Apr. 2010.
Smith, Paul J. "Pan's Labyrinth." Web log post. Film Quarterly. Web. Mar.-Apr. 2010. .


  1. I am having trouble trying to get the pictures to show up im sorry.

  2. I tried to comment on your post earlier and for some reason it said that you did not have a post. Other than that I thought that what you said was right on about the movie. Talking about the music and how effective it was and also talking about the lighting.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your post finally appeared for me to post Shannon. I really enjoyed reading your blog. You really did a great job tying in your quote choice with the lighting element. I would have maybe started the paper with another sentence but other than that it was a well written paper.
